911 Slugfest 2015
Hi everyone. I just raped up this years 2015 911 Slugfest boxing match photos. I always have fun at this event along with hundreds of others. The evening starts out kinda quiet and as the night goes on and the matches get closer the crowd gets louder with excitement. Our men and women in red and blue showed what they were made of that night. Even though they aren't professionals you would never know it by their heart. They always give 100% for their team.
I got there early that evening which I always recommend. You need time to look the place over and see if anything had changed from the previous year. In my camera bag this year I brought two cameras one D3S and one D700 along with my 85mm f/1.8, 50mm f/1.4, and my 24-70mm f/2.8 lens. I got all may camera gear out and started to dial them in. What I mean by this is I first look at where I'm aloud to stand during the fight and what the lighting will be at this particular spot. I then decide which lens I'll be using in this case I started out with my Nikon D3S 24-70 and my D700 85. I then adjust my white balance. Lighting in these kind of event are poor at best. Their usually old tungsten lighting that has been there for years. "YELLOW". With this kind of lighting your not going to get perfect color no matter how hard you try. You just do the best you can with what you have. I opened up my aperture as wide as it would go and set my shutter speed to 500. I then plaid around with my ISO and found it would work around 2500 with this lighting.
I've been shooting this event they turned all house light out. Needless to say I about carped in my pants. All my setting went out the window and the first fight was about to start. I rushed and did the best I could with the time I had. I wasn't pleased with the results of the first couple of fights but finally started dialing everything in.
One of the main things I had to do is readjust the ISO to 6400. I already had my aperture at their widest point f/1.8 and f/2.8. Shutter speed at a reasonable speed of 500 to freeze motion. I had to bring that down to 300-400. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you they only had one light in the center of the ring to light everything. Thank god I decided to shoot RAW. When I'm only going to shoot around 1,000-1,500 images I shoot RAW. I've never had a buffer problem with these camera's handling it.
I always love a challenge and man did I have one that night. I love the crowd and the fighters. What fun. Below I will supply a list of my equipment and settings along with a link to the photos. Please don't judge I did the best with what I had to work with. LOL.
Oh yea let's not forget the people that helped make this event happen from the promoters to the waitresses. GREAT JOB. People I'm telling you don't miss next years event write it down on you calendar now.
To view photos go to my website at http://www.indianapolis-sports-photography.com
Camera: Nikon D3s, D700Lenses: Nikon 85mm f/1.8, 50mm f/1.5, 24-70mm f/2.8
Settings: ISO 6,400, Shutter Speed: 300-400, Aperture wide open
Link to 911 Slugfest Facebook site: https://www.facebook.com/911Slugfest/
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